
Vedas are the sacred scriptures of the Universe. Vedas were created in the beginning of the Cosmos. Vedas means the eternal word of the Divine. It’s the Vision Enlightenment Devotion and Action.

Vedas are the sacred voice of the creator of the Universe or the Divine’s Voice. The term “Verbanti” or the Divine’s words from the beginning of the Universe, refers to the Vedas.   

Vedas are the sacred scriptures of the ancient Indo-Aryan origin and began as an oral tradition that was passed down through generations before finally being written in Vedic Sanskrit between 1500 and 500 BCE (Before Common Era). The Vedas are believed to have been created at the beginning of the Universe.

Vedas are considered as the primeval and oldest preserved literature in the world. The term Veda derived from the root ‘Vid’, meaning to know. Thus the word Veda means “The Sacred Lore”.

The Vedic Language

Sanskrit is originated as Vedic Sanskrit as early as 1700-1200 BCE, and was orally preserved as a part of the Vedic chanting tradition. Sanskrit, the most ancient of all languages, is the language in which Vedas are composed. The Vedic Sanskrit is complete in itself with specific grammar and prosody that have remained unchanged over ages. The Vedas have their origin aeons ago, time immemorial, and were recited for the first time in Sanskrit and it indicates that Sanskrit is as old as the Vedas. We are aware that most of the languages of the world have expanded and enriched themselves by freely borrowing words from other languages. Whereas Vedic Sanskrit is complete in itself with explicit grammar and prosody that have not changed with the times. Here we speak of the Sanskrit of the Vedas, which is different from the Sanskrit that later came to be used as a social language. Vedic Sanskrit is the language of the Vedas, the oldest scriptures of Hinduism. Knowledge of Sanskrit became a marker of high social class during and after the Vedic Period.

The Vast Scope of Vedas
The Vedas, composed mainly of hymns, were transmitted to humanity by great Sages / Rishis, who had access to the direct perception of Reality.
The transmission of the hymns were oral in the primordial times, but later, when they were scripted, their recitation had the quality of variety, especially in the style. When listening to a Vedic hymn, the sound immediately conveys something magnificent, powerful and sacred. On the other hand, their meaning is more difficult to comprehend, even for the highly learned in Sanskrit. They contain several layers of meaning, ranging from the seemingly mundane to the most spiritual; to cognize the deep levels of meaning has largely been lost, but a constant and devoted sadhana may reveal them again.

The Age of Vedas

Being the revelations of the Divine Himself, who is “Eternal”, we can construe the Vedas to be Eternal too. However, the human curiosity leads many to research on the age of Vedas, not only in Bharat -India, but also abroad. The found it impossible to determine the exact date of Vedas. However, many age estimations are done by many scholars. According to a few, Vedas date back to several thousand years BC. While linguistic experts and astronomers put the Vedic age as 4000 years, archaeologists say it is 5000 years. Maeterlinck says that it could be at least a few hundred thousand years old. Mahārishi Dayananda in his book Satyartha Prakasam asserts that if we consider that 6 Manvantaras and 28 Chathuryugas have passed by so far, the Vedas should have been in existence for at least 196, 08, 53,000 years!

The Vedic statement “Ananta vai Vedaha” means Vedas are infinite. An interesting episode from Kātaka Praśna (Yajur Veda) illustrates this. With the blessing of God Indra, Sage Bharadwaja performed Veda adhyayana for three life spans. Pleased by this, the Divine appeared before him and granted a boon. Sage Bharadwaja requested the Divine to grant him yet another lifespan so that he could complete adhyayana of the rest of the Vedas. Supreme Divine smiled and showed him a mountain of Vedas, from which he took three handfuls of soil, and told the sage: “this is all you have learnt so far”. This shows the sheer magnitude of Vedas, which makes it impossible to learn it with all the time one has at his command.

In the light of all these, let’s conclude that no scholarly research can assert the exact age of Vedas precisely because Vedas are beyond the most sophisticated methods of modern-day sciences. They are Divine and Omnipresent.

“उत्तिष्ठ जाग्रत प्राप्य वरान् निबोधत ।
क्षुरस्य धारा निशिता दरत्यया दुर्गं पथस्तत्कवयो वदन्ति।।

“uttiṣṭhata jāgrata prāpya varānnibodhata |
kṣurasya dhārā niśitā duratyayā durgaṁ pathastatkavayo vadanti ||”

Arise, Awake from the deep sleep of ignorance! Approach the Great Beings to learn and know the Brahman. The Sages say that the path to the knowledge of Brahman, hard to traverse, difficult of going is that path, like the sharp edge of a razor. 

“śṛṇvantu viśve amṛtasya putrā ā ye dhāmāni divyāni tasthuḥ ”

 शृण्वन्तु विश्वे अमृतस्य पुत्रा आ ये
  धामानि दिव्यानि तस्थुः
(Śvetāśvatara Upaniṣad, Chapter II, Verse 5)

The Upanishads of ancient Bharat - India glorify human beings as “Children of Immortality”.

शृण्वन्तु/ śṛṇvantu = Listen/hear, बिश्वे/ viśve = in the world, अमृतस्य/Amritasya = of Immortality, पुत्रा/Putra = Children.
Meaning: “Listen, O the Children of Immortality or Immortal Bliss”. May you be well established in your Divine goals! O eternal children of Prajapati (The Supreme)! In the Vedic tradition, it was believed, it is not man but it is his body that dies, man never dies. He is Immortal; he is the “Son of Immortality”. 

Vedic Propagation

Vedas need to be propagated to prevent its loss over Time. The aim is to create a New, to a new Humanity, while the world has annihilated itself through great wars, inhuman activities, crucifixion, poisoning etc. In these times, it’s necessary to change or create a new system or a new creation in the Universe for the existence. In that utopian future where there is no religion, there will be an existence of brotherhood, equality and necessarily the Knowledge of the Divine. All these things are important. These 3 things together known as Dharma. From the beginning of Time, ie the journey of the life of humanity, in Bharat – India, since the beginning there is a Sacred Grandha (Scriptures or Texts) for Dharma, was followed by the people. That sacred scripture is known as Vedas. Dharma based teachings we can find only in Vedas. The sacred text since the old time in Bharat – India and it is everlasting since then.
Indian people in the first time who followed Vedas (named Dharma text or sacred book) & live in the Dharmic principles. By the contradictory aspect of the time, Indians as well as total humanity forget their path or their purpose of life because of various reasons.

All great Masters, Rishi’s, Yogi’s doing their work to bring back the humanity to the sacred principles taught in Vedas & make them connected to the Divine & Divinity. That is the works of enlightened beings and the Rishi’s ,Yogi’s .

Our aim through this site is to bring back the knowledge of the Vedas in front of you. To create an awareness about our past and how our ancestors followed the traditions and culture.  In Veda’s , it’s written, even the creation, everything is given. It is written within you. Great Masters came to earth in different times to make awareness to humanity about the knowledge hidden inside one’s soul.
स्वस्तिप्रजाभ्यः परिपालयंतां, न्यायेन मार्गेण महीं महीशाः ।
गोब्राह्मणेभ्यः शुभमस्तु नित्यं, लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनोभवंतु ॥
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः |
Svastiprajābhyaḥ paripālayantāṁ nyāyēna mārgēṇa mahīṁ mahīśāḥ
gōbrāhmaṇēbhyaḥ śubhamastu nityaṁ lōkāḥ samastāḥ sukhinōbhavantu
ōm̐ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ
“May there be auspiciousness to all the beings; May the rulers who rule the earth (World) along the right path; May all the beings and the knower of Vedas & everyone always be fortunate. May all the beings in all the worlds become happy; Peace, peace and peace be to all, everywhere, in all circumstances!”