Kāṭhaka Saṃhitā

Kāṭhaka Saṃhitā

The Kāṭhaka Saṃhitā was, according to tradition, compiled by Kaṭha, a disciple of Vaiśampāyana. Like the Maitrayani Samhitā, the Kāṭhaka Saṃhitā offers a more detailed description of some rituals than the more recent Taittirīya Samhitā. The number of sub-recensions is 12; there are 5 Khaṇḍas, 40 Prapāṭhaka and 3093 mantras. This Śā́khā explains about the rituals to be performed for Yāgas such as Agnistoma, Aśvamedha, Rājāsūya and Kamyesti.