
Atharva Veda : Atharva Veda  is not much associated with sacrificial or ritualistic matters as other three Vedas. This seems to be more varied collections of verses which describe many wordily things. This Veda consists of two main recessions 1) Śaunaka Śākhā and 2) Pippalāda Śākhā. The Śaunaka Śākhā contains nearly 730 hymns and its about 6000 stanzas are divided nearly into twenty books; among them, 1200 stanzas are derived from Rigveda.

To this Veda the Gopatha Brāhmaṇa is attached. Atharvaveda does not have any Āraṇyaka. Upaniṣads attributed to Atharvaveda are Muṇḍakopanisad, Māṇḍūkya Upaniṣad and Praśna Upaniṣad.