Śākala Saṃhitā

Śākala Saṃhitā

Śākala Saṃhitā or Śakala Śākhā is the one of the oldest existing recensions of Rigveda. It has been present and followed in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Orissa, Tamil Nadu and Uttar-Pradesh. Even though Mahābhāṣya of Patañjali refers to twenty-one Śākhās of Rigveda, Śaunaka's opus named Caraṇa-vyūha mentions five of them only: the Śākala, Bāṣkala, Aśvalāyāna, Śaṅkhāyana and Māṇḍūkya Śākhās. So for Rig Veda, only Śākala Śākhā is complete among the recensions and only Śākala School remains alive today, out of the 21 which existed at some time in the past. This Śā́khā contains 1017 hymns plus 11 other hymns known as Vālakhilya hymns - thus totally making 1028 hymns.

In the Śākala Saṃhitā of Rigveda, there are two types of Kramas, that is content-naming and ordering systems: Maṇḍala Krama and Aṣtaka Krama.