
The Spiritual Journey...

The search to know our real self, the true meaning of life, and the nature of our consciousness is the essence of spirituality. It is to bridge the gap between your outer and inner self that we need spiritualism. As people across the world move towards the materialistic way of life, the quest for spirituality becomes even more vital. India- the Land of the Vedas and Temples is renowned as the cradle of spirituality! Being the Spiritual Capital of the World, India has allowed religions to thrive, flourish & prosper. 

 The practice of pursue spirituality is known as Sādhanā or Japa, the silent or the audible reiteration of a Mantra or performing rituals like Puja, Yajña etc are common spiritual practices according to the Vedic tradition. There are various methods to find the real essence of spirituality in Bharat – India. Meditation, Yoga, Mantra Japa, Prānayama are some of the methods.