Paippalāda Saṃhitā

Paippalāda Saṃhitā

Sage Pippalada is considered to be the founder of this Śā́khā. This Śā́khā also has twelve Khaṇḍas. The Paippalāda tradition of reciting Atharvaveda has been discontinued in 19th century, at the same time the manuscripts have been kept; this tradition is again practiced now a days.

The followers of Paippalāda Saṃhitā are currently to be found in few places of Orissa and adjacent areas of Bihar and West Bengal; they recite the Saṃhitā in ekaśruti (on a single tone). Epigraphic and literary evidences show that this Śā́khā once thrived in Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, and few places of Gujarat, east Bengal and in Tamil Nadu as well.