Aśvalāyana Saṃhitā

Aśvalāyāna Saṃhitā

The Aśvalāyāna śākhā of Rigveda is more or less identical with the Śākala śākhā except that the latter recognizes the Vālakhilya subsidiary hymn. Two or three works of Āśvalāyana, out of the four attributed to it, remain in existence now:
  • Āśvalāyana Śrautasūtras
  • Āśvalāyana Gṛhyasūtras
Aśvalāyāna of Rigveda Saṃhitā is to be found in Kashmir, Ahmadnagar (Maharashtra) and Patna (Bihar). In few places of central and eastern India, Śākala Saṃhitā texts are often attributed to Aśvalāyāna. In places like West Bengal, the Aitareya Brāhmaṇa is sometimes called Aśvalāyāna Brāhmaṇa also. Oral traditions are now extinct, although the followers of Śākala Śākhā in Maharashtra often term themselves as Aśvalāyāna’s because they follow the Kalpasūtra, a combination of Śrautasūtra & Grhyasūtra of Āśvalāyana.
The Aśvalāyāna śākhā has 1025 hymns, plus 98 hymns as Khila (Appendix) hymns as its own.