
According to tradition, the rituals and sacrifices are to performed on days and time fixed after the calculation of the movement of sun, moon and other planets. Each Veda had its own Jyotiśa texts. Arcajyotiśam, Yajusajyotiśam, Athavanajyotiśam are Jyotiśa texts of Rigveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda respectively. Today, there is no Jyotiśa text of Sāmaveda.

Apart from these six Vedāṅgas, there are Anykramanis or indices that give lists of the hymns, the authors, the meters and the deities listed in various Saṃhitās. Parisistas the supplements Prayogas and Paddhatis are also some texts connected to Vedic literature that describe the duty of a priest etc.