Sāmaveda Āraṇyaka

Āraṇyakas of Sāmaveda

The Sāmaveda has two Āraṇyakas namely Jaiminīya Āraṇyaka also known as Tālāvacara Āraṇyaka and Chāndogya Āraṇyaka.  Jaiminīya Āraṇyaka/ Tālāvacara Āraṇyaka belongs to the Jaiminīya or Talavakra Śākhā of Sāmaveda. This Āraṇyaka also have a name called Jaiminīya Upaniṣad Brāhmaṇa that means its content contains the subject matter that are usually discussed in Brāhmaṇa, Āraṇyaka and Upaniṣad too.  The other one is Chāndogya or Chāndogya Āraṇyaka that belongs to the Rāṇāyaṇīyā Śākhā of Sāmaveda.