Yajurveda Brāhmaṇa

Brāhmaṇas of Yajurveda

Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa is the Brāhmaṇa of Śukla Yajurveda. Its Madyāndina recension is divided into 14 Khaṇḍas divided into 100 chapter or Adhyāyas, 68 Prapāṭhakas, 436 Brāhmaṇas and nearly 7180 Khandikas. Its Kānva recension consists of 17 Khaṇḍas, 104 Adhyāyas, 435 Brāhmaṇas and nearly 6800 Khandikas. This Brāhmaṇa text is attributed to Yajñavalkya Rishi. It explains various kinds of Vedic rituals, symbolisms and many myths connected to Vedas and Vedic rituals especially those connected to Yajurveda. The method of construction of different kinds of fire altars (Yajñakunda), Yajñasala, etc. are very well explained here.

 The Khaṇḍas in this Brāhmaṇa are: Ekapatha, Haviryajña, Udhari, Adhvara, Gṛhya, Vajapeya, Sava, Rājāsūya, Ukhasambarana, Astigata, Citi, Saciti, Agnirahasya, Aṣṭadhyāyi, Madhyāma, Aśvamedha, Pravargya and Bṛhadāraṇyaka. 

 Many scientific matters connected to astronomy and mathematics are dealt with in the Śathapatha Brāhmaṇa, which also contains stories connected to Viṣṇu and His incarnations.

The Krishna Yajurveda in turn has four Brāhmaṇa texts viz. Taittirīya Brāhmaṇa, Maitrayani Brāhmaṇa, Kaṭhaka Brāhmaṇa and Kaṭha/ Kapitha Brāhmaṇa. 

In the Taittirīya Brāhmaṇa, the first twenty-five chapters give the prayers used for various types of sacrifices. The first two parts (or Aṣṭakas) describe hymns, Mantras, Devatas connected to different kinds of Yāgas, astronomy, astrology, stories and myths related to various Devatas of Yajurveda etc. The third part (or Aṣṭaka) comprises the instructions and commentaries on Vedic Yāgas like Puruṣamedha, Asśvamedha and Agnicayana. In the first and third Aṣṭaka, we can see the names of 28 Nakṣatras or stars (Kirthika to Bharani and Abhijith) of Vedic astrology. The names of the Devatās for each Nakṣatra are also given.