Aitareya Āraṇyaka

Aitareya Āraṇyaka

In this Āraṇyaka, the chapters or sections are also known as Āraṇyakas. There are five Āraṇyakas (sections) in the Aitareya Āraṇyaka. Each of the Āraṇyaka (sections) are again divided into Adhyāya (sub-section). Among the Āraṇyakas, the Aitareya is the one that describes the religious beliefs in a whole.

            The first Āraṇyaka has five Adhyāyas having four, four, eight, three, three Khaṇḍās respectively. The second part has seven Adhyāyas and each Khaṇḍās have eight, four, eight, three, and one consequent Khaṇḍās respectively. The third portion has two Adhyāyas having six and six Khaṇḍās respectively. This portion is also known as Saṃhitopaniṣad. The fourth Āraṇyaka has only one Adhyāyas having only one Khaṇḍā The fifth segment is divided into three Adhyāyas in which it has six, five and four Khaṇḍās respectively.

            The content of this Āraṇyaka are, description about Mahāvrata, Gavāmayana, the duties of priest named Hota, importance of Upaniṣads, various explanations of Saṁhitās and its way of chanting i.e. Prakṛti Pāṭha – Saṁhitā Pāṭha Vikṛti Pāṭhas – Jaṭā, Mālā, Śikhā, Rekhā, Dhvaja, Daṇḍa, Krama, Ratha and Ghana or Pada Pāṭhas, Mahanamni Mantras, different kind of magical Śāstras, The last portion of this Āraṇyaka is dedicated to Aitareya Upaniṣad. This Āraṇyaka is ascribed to three Ṛṣis namely Mahidasa Aitareya, Aśvalāyana and Śaunaka.