
We must learn how to meditate, which is the most important part of a human being. To be able to know, discover and embrace yourself deeply,meditation is the way. Meditation reveals to us the Truth of our Infinite, Divine Nature, and there are absolutely no material equivalents to these discoveries.

Meditation is the process of making our minds to control and reducing our negative thoughts gradually. Meditation means focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness. Meditation helps to connect with ourselves better. Meditation reveals to us the Truth of our infinite, divine nature, and there are absolutely no material equivalents to these discoveries.

Preparation for Meditation: 
The important thing we must realize is that meditation is a continuous practice. To reach the meditative state, it may take months or maybe years of constant practice. Without such a practice, we are unlikely to master this subtle art.

Meditation Time: 
To really increase the chances of meditation becoming an integral part of our life, we have to set a particular time of day when we plan to meditate. The best time to start meditation practice is in the early mornings (Brāhma Muhūrta). If not, then some other time of day when we can do our meditation consistently is also fine. Dedicating 20 minutes of calmness twice a day is a good way to start.

Brāhma Muhūrta
Brāhma Muhūrta is a Sanskrit term, which is composed of two words Brāhma and Muhūrta. Brāhma Muhūrta is the Time of Brāhman. Brāhma means Sacred or Creator Divine, and Muhūrta means Auspicious Time.  Brāhma Muhūrta is the 14th Muhūrta Kāla of the night. One Muhūrta is a period of 48 minutes, the whole night consisting of 15 Muhūrtas. 

Brāhma Muhūrta is an auspicious Time or period of 48 minutes that begins 1 hour 36 minutes before sunrise and ends 48 minutes before Sunrise.When we consider the night as the period from the evening sunset to the next day morning sunrise, then the last quarter of the night is the Brāhma Muhūrta time. That is anywhere between 3:30 a.m. to 5:30 or 6:00 a.m. Some Countries the Sunrise and Sunset may vary. Based on the geographical location of your place, Brāhma Muhūrta depends on whatever is the time of sunrise. 

According to the Bharat - Indian Traditional way, the Great Sages, Rishi’s (ṛṣi’s) said Brāhma Muhūrta is the best and  the most ideal time to wake up from bed in the morning, for starting our day in a sacred way with practices like Meditation, Prāṇāyāma, Prayers etc.  

Meditation Space: 
Not far behind Meditation Time, is Meditation Space, if we want to learn meditation and establish a long-term, consistent practice. Having a space put aside for meditation, will make it much easier for our daily meditation, and also help induce the right state of mind for meditation. 

The space should be inspiring, clean and simple, so that once we enter it, our mind automatically start to feel positive and can easily get involved in the meditative practices without any external disturbances.

Meditation Posture: 
Once we have established our place and time. Next we have to decide a comfortable posture that is suitable for our body. We must remember, each of us are different, so each of us may have different postures, that is more comfortable for us. .We can meditate sitting up straight because the postures where our spinal cord is erect making it easier for undisturbed breathing activity. This is the reason why the great Sages and Rishi’s in Bharat –India, recommended to sit straight for Meditation for undisturbed breathing activity. These postures are the best for meditating. Sukhāsana Siddhāsana, Padmāsana, Swastikāsana etc..

Meditation is transcendental, in which one can give up all fears, desires, longings, negative emotions. Meditation teaches about the power within each of us: the energy, peace, and wisdom, which we can tap into once we know it is available. Meditation will take us to a state of the awareness of our true being, which brings to a state of complete relaxation. Meditation is a state of consciousness, a steady of flow uninterrupted consciousness.. It is not a void but the fullness of pure consciousness itself. While meditating, one can find selfless love which is the source of Bliss. By default our mind is pure, but we contaminate it by thoughtless actions and by erratic behaviours. 

The Meditation is the balance between the efforts needed to sustain concentration and the detachment from all distractions. 

Here are some things to keep in mind.

The place… 
We can use a clean and tidy space for Meditation, which should be strictly used for that purpose only. 

A place of focus...
You may set up a Pita or table in the room with a light source (Oil lamp, candle,) being a potent spiritual symbol. It will bring some magnetic vibes which will be easier for our meditation. 

Bring positivity to your sacred Meditative Space
You can use a short ritual called āratī at the end of each meditation session. In this ceremony a flame is offered in your place of meditation while mantras are repeated. 

While we sit facing in the North or East direction, we can take full advantage of favourable magnetic vibrations.
The Time… 
The dawn and dusk are the most favorable and effective time to practice meditation. The most desirable time is in between the hours of four and six a.m. called Brāhma Muhūrta. During this time the atmosphere will be very calm and clean which reflects on our mind too. Around sunset and just before bed are also good times. But no matter what time is favorable for you, make sure that you will not be disturbed by outside distractions. 

The Habbit... 
Consistency is important in Meditation. You may fix a time to meditate and try to do the practice at the same time every day. Nothing happens over night. So make sure to keep practicing meditation and make it a part of your daily life. Start for fifteen minutes and work your way up to an hour. It is important to practice every day. 

Sitting posture.. 
A comfortable relaxed position is desirable with erect spine and neck. The panic energy should be free flowing from the base of our spine till the top of our head. We can do Meditation in Padmāsana, Siddhāsana, or in Sukhāsana according to our comfort. It gives path for the flow of energy, contains in itself, otherwise the energy will disperse in all directions.

The Breathe.. 
Breathing is the main element of a good meditative session. It is very essential to breath gently and without any sudden jerks. Visualise a beautiful sight and slowly concentrate on the breath. Begin with deep abdominal breathing and move to a slower rate. You may do Inhale and exhale for three seconds each rhythmically. Ujjayi breathing can also be adopted. 

Choose a point of concentration... 
To fasten the mind, start by bringing awareness to the posture and breath. You can improve the strength of concentration by bringing all your attention to the energy centres in the body. These energy centres are called chakras. For beginners, it’s advised to focus on the sound of the breathing to improve the concentration.

Benefits of Meditation
There are Spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional benefits, when we do Meditation.
Meditation helps:
* to strengthen immunity.
* to reduce the negative emotions.
* to increase tolerance and patience.
* to build skills.
* to reduce the stress.
* to increase self awareness.
* to increase focus on the present and to boost productivity.
* to increase calmness, decrease stress.