Kauṣītaki / Śānkhāyana Āraṇyaka

 Kauṣītaki  / Sāṅkhyāyana Āraṇyaka

            Sāṅkhyāyana Āraṇyaka is an Āraṇyaka that belongs to the Kauṣītaki and Sāṅkhyāyana Śākhā of Rigveda. Thus this is known in both names i.e. Sāṅkhyāyana Āraṇyaka and Kauṣītaki Āraṇyaka.  This Āraṇyaka concentrates in explaining the spiritualist and magical beliefs and thoughts that are connected to ritualistic perceptions.

            In this Āraṇyaka, there are fifteen chapters. Among the fifteen chapters named as Adhyāyas, the first and second chapters discuss about the Mahāvrata. The second and third Adhyāyas explain about the path after death and nature of the ultimate Brahman respectively. The fourth and fifth chapter describe about the unity of the Self and different kinds of definitions of Brahman. Starting from the third chapter to sixth are also considered as the Kauṣītaki Upaniṣad. The sixth and seventh are Saṁhitā Upaniṣad. From eight Adhyāya to twelfth Adhyāya, Āraṇyaka discuss the strife of the senses, Agnī,hotra, significance or presages of death and importance of the Bilva amulet respectively. The thirteenth and fourteenth chapters describe the offerings to Brahman. The last and the fifteenth Adhyāya tells about the Vaṃśā . In many ways, this Āraṇyaka resembles Aitareya Āraṇyaka because of its contents, way of dividing chapters, and manner of discussing subject matter and in even discussing the content in it. Importance of Mahāvākyas like ‘Ahaṁ Brahmāsmi’ and ‘Tatvamasi’ etc. are also explained in this Āraṇyaka.