

Upaniṣads are the treasure house of Bharat- Indian culture. They constitute the concluding portions of the Vedas.  Upaniṣadic literature is unique in its own way and they are the summits of early Indian thought, and have been aptly described as the ‘Himalayas of the Soul’. One can derive multi- dimensional and multi-faceted meanings from it. It certainly is one of the important sources from where Indian thought and culture sprang up later. They have been interpreted in different ways throughout ages. There have been a lot of translations and studies on Upaniṣads. No records exist as to when or by whom the Upaniṣads were written. Though a lot of scholars and preceptors appear in the Upaniṣads, it is not conceived by them in their life time. There were also disciples, who acquired the knowledge contained in Upanișads from their masters. Those who gained the self-realization through Upanișadic knowledge and their own austere practice and experience, never recorded their life history or the time of revelation they attained. The traditional method during those days was to pass the spiritual knowledge from the master to the disciple orally.