Kaṭha-Kapiṣṭhala Saṃhitā

Kaṭha -Kapisthala Saṃhitā

The Kapiṣṭhala Saṃhitā or Kaṭha-Kapiṣṭhala Saṃhitā is named after the Sage Kapisthala. The only fragments of this lineage which now exist can be found in West Punjab (and some places in Gujarat) and date back to around the time of Alexander’s invasion. Only a fragmentary Samhitā and Gṛhya Sūtra text exists, and followers of this Śākhā are said to exist at the mouths of Narmada and Tapi rivers in Gujarat. There are 5 sub-recensions, 6 Khaṇḍas and 48 Prapāṭhakas. 

Today, Yajurvedikas (those practicing Yajurveda) mostly follow the Taittirīya Śākhā for performing Yāgas and Yajñas.

Krishna Yajurveda is mainly divided into five parts viz. Prajāptya, Saumya, Agneya, Vaiśvadeva and Svayambuva Khaṇḍas. It also gives the indications about the various kinds of Yāgas as Prakṛti and Vikṛti Yāgas. Prakṛti Yāgas (those who are complete) are of three types: Agnihotra, Isti and Soma. In Vikṛti Yāgas on the other hand, only some constituents are performed.