Maṇḍala Krama

Maṇḍala Krama

In the Maṇḍala system, the Rigveda is divided into ten Maṇḍalas. Each Maṇḍala contains a number of hymns (Sūktas), as detailed here-below, for a total of 1,028 hymns and about 10,600 verses for the whole Rigveda.

For each Maṇḍala, there are several Rishis (ṛṣi) as the ‘Mantra-draṣṭaras’ (the one having had the “vision” of the mantra); also, for every hymn, there is an invoked deity or Devatā, so there is a number of Devatās in every Maṇḍala. Some of the Rishis are listed here-below.

In Maṇḍala one, there are 2006 Mantras in 191 Sūktas. The Rishis of first Maṇḍala are Madhuchanda Vaiśvamitra, Gautama, Medhaditi, etc. In Maṇḍala two, there are 429 Mantras in 43 Sūktas and the main Rishis are Gritsamada and his family. In Maṇḍala three, there are 617 Mantras in 62 Sūktas; here Viśvāmitra and his family members are the main Rishis. In the fourth Maṇḍala, Vāmadeva and his family are the main Rishis and there are 589 Mantras in 58 Sūktas. The fifth Maṇḍala consists of 87 Sūktas and a total of 727 Mantras; the main Rishis are Ātri and his family. The sixth Maṇḍala consists of 765 Mantras in 75 Sūktas in which the Bharadvājas are the main Rishis. The Maṇḍala seven contains 104 Sūktas and 841 Mantras having the Vasiṣṭhas as the main Rishis. Eight and Ninth Maṇḍala have 1716 & 1108 Mantras in 103 and 114 Sūktas respectively. In these two Maṇḍalas, the Kanvas, the Angirasas and Somadeva are some of the important Rishis. In Maṇḍala ten, there are 1754 Mantras in 191 Sūktas and the main Rishis who are the Draṣṭās of the Mantras are Vimata, Indra Sachi and so on.