Vinyāsa Yoga

Vinyāsa Yoga

Vinyāsa Yoga is a part of the physical Yoga known as Haṭha Yoga. Vinyāsa Yoga adopts the method of rhythmic flow while doing the Āśana or the postures. Every movement is carefully synchronized with a systematic inhalation and exhalation so that the practitioner feels more connected to the body and the practice. On a deeper level, Vinyāsa Yoga helps the Prāṇā to flow smoothly inside throughout the body. This variation of Haṭha Yoga is developed by the Mysore Yoga lineage of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya. Rather than merely settling straight away into an āsana to hold it for an extended period of time, one works from one āsana to the next by sequencing them in a logical fashion that is physiologically sound and that meets the goals of the practice.

Vinyāsa Yoga creates a wide space between inhalations and exhalations which increase the physical and mental flexibility.