Kriya Yoga

Karma Yoga

Karma yoga is the Yoga of action. It is the selfless services to humanity, the world, animals, and the Higher Being. Karma Yogi’s surrender the fruits of all actions to super consciousness by not thinking of their own personal needs and desires. The fundamental principle says, do your duties first, think of the results later on. This practice is to purify the heart and through constant practice one can reach the highest state of yoga. The word “Karma” means action or deed, which falls in three forms: thought, word, and deed. Thoughts are the seeds of Karma. It is the driving force of karma, the motive behind the action. There is bad and good karma. Bad karma is caused by the past life’s actions being evil or bad and otherwise for the good karma. Karma is the law of cause and effect in nature. We cannot change the past karma but we can deposit the good deeds for the future karma, when the seed sprouts in the right environment. Karma is the sum total of our acts, both in our present life and in preceding ones. Karma is the action as well as the result of action. It’s like how we throw a pebble into the water; it will create a ripple effect. The cause is found in the effect and the effect is found in the cause. There is not such a thing as blind chance or an accident. There are three types of Karma..

Sanchita Karma - All the accumulated karma of the past. It is manifested as a person’s characteristics, tendencies, aptitudes, capacities, and desires.

Prarabdha Karma - All past Karma manifested in the present life. It cannot be avoided or changed, only limited to this lifetime. We can only exhaust it by experiencing it and practicing intensive sadhana and good deeds with joy of the fruits.

Agami Karma - Fresh karma, which is being done for the future. What we do today determines the fruits of the future. Therefore, do good, be good, meditate, and realize.