Jñāna Yoga

Jñāna Yoga

Reintegration or union through knowledge is understood as Jñāna Yoga. It is an intuitive knowledge; this intuition arises when the seeker starts to find answers to their question. He who knows the self (Individual Consciousness) knows the Brahman (Supreme Consciousness). Attaining the state of Samādhi through knowledge is understood as Jñāna Yoga. Through Jñāna Yoga, one can overcome the main root cause of sufferings – avidya (ignorance). Avidya is said to be the source of all our sins, miseries, desires and pain. One who has controlled his organs, devoted and leading a faithful life obtains true Jñāna (knowledge of the self). Once they have obtained knowledge, then they gradually progress towards eternal happiness or peace (aananda). The eternal knowledge can be understood only by the following three paths, they are: Sravana (listening to the teachings of a Master or Acharya to understand the ways to attain liberation). Manana (thinking and reciting in mind what the Master or Acharya has explained). Nididhyāsana (deeper concentration on the knowledge they obtained from the Master or Acharya).