Haṭha Yoga

Haṭha Yoga

Haṭha Yoga is one among the various traditions of the paths leading to Yoga. “Haṭha” means willful or forceful, so in this aspect it deals with the physical discipline of the body which includes various Āśana  (postures), breathing regulations (Prāṇāyāmas), intake of moderate food (mithara), physical and mental hygiene (saucha), cleansing of the internal organs(kriyas) etc. The syllable “Ha” means sun (Pingala Nāḍī) or the right side and “ṭha” means moon (iḍā Nāḍī) right side and the conjunction (Yoga) of the sun and the moon is called Haṭha Yoga. Another important aspect of Haṭha Yoga is the balancing of the Prāṇic energy in the body. Through the practice of Haṭha Yoga, various energy centers will be activated and it will further aid the better flow of Prāṇā through the Suṣumṇā  Nāḍī.
All these practices have more of a physical impact on the body. Haṭha Yoga makes the body strong and flexible, which further helps the body to get into advanced Āśana (poses) thereby altering the flow of Prāṇā to various parts of the body. Haṭha Yoga is a discipline that teaches the aspirant how to control his body initially then his mind which is also known as Raja Yoga, so Haṭha Yoga is also understood as a physical or practical aspect of Raja Yoga or it is the path that leads to Raja Yoga.