

Mantras are the primordial rhythms of creation. Mantras, a subtle combination of syllables and phrases, claim a proud legacy. They have been realised, recited and propagated by our Sages and Rishi's (Ṛṣī), since the early Vedic Times. 

Mantras were composed in Vedic Sanskrit. It is considered as Sacred in Bharat - India.

Mantras are the  melodic phrases with spiritual interpretations where human beings search for the truth, action, reality, light, immortality, love, peace and knowledge.

Mantra is defined as “Mananāt trāyatē iti mantrah” which means “By whose manana (constant thinking or that which protect our mind or recollection or continuous repetition) either in prose or one is protected or released from the cycle of birth and death. That is mantra”.