Meditation For Beginners


Meditation is transcendental, in which one can give up all fears, desires, longings, negative emotions. Meditation teaches about the power within each of us: the energy, peace, and wisdom, which we can tap into once we know it is available. Meditation will take us to a state of the awareness of our true being, which brings to a state of complete relaxation. Meditation is a state of consciousness, a steady of flow uninterrupted consciousness.. It is not a void but the fullness of pure consciousness itself. While meditating, one can find selfless love which is the source of Bliss. By default our mind is pure, but we contaminate it by thoughtless actions and by erratic behaviours. 

The Meditation is the balance between the efforts needed to sustain concentration and the detachment from all distractions. 

Meditation reveals to us the Truth of our infinite, divine nature, and there are absolutely no material equivalents to these discoveries.

The important thing we must realize is that meditation is a continuous practice. To reach the meditative state, it may take months or maybe years of constant practice. Without such a practice, we are unlikely to master this subtle art.