Oṃ Meditation

Oṃ Meditation

In Bharat - India , according to Vedic tradition, the Oṃ or AUM is the primordial sound, the first that was emitted during the creation of the universe.

Oṃ meditation consists of repeating the sound Oṃ several times (at least 7 times or in series of 7) followed by a period of silence.

The repetition of the mantra Oṃ purifies the mind and unites it with the supreme consciousness.

Oṃ meditation can be done by anyone, regardless of their beliefs.

Regular practice leads to mental calm and paves the way for a more mindful life.

Oṃ Meditation

Nyāsaḥ of oṃ:        

brahma ṛṣiḥ | devigāyatrī chandaḥ | paramātmā devatā

Chant long oṃ 7 times, visualising that your consciousness is progressively rising to an infinite space and merges with it; in this state of fusion, meditate; then visualise that from the limitless space a globe of golden light of absolute splendour emerges.

Chant long oṃ again 7 times to merge with this golden globe of Light completely then meditate in the state of fusion with the Light of the Source.

Chant long oṃ again 7 times to bring the Divine Light down to the physical plane.

Thereafter meditate, visualising that the Light of the Source is glowing at your ajña centre. Thereafter, with great awareness, spread that light to all aspects of your mind body, pranic body and physical body, visualising a total transformation.

Bring the awareness to the heart centre. Visualise that the Divine Light, none else than the Light of the Ultimate Source, is glowing at the heart centre. Visualise that the Divine light of the Supreme is spreading from the heart through your senses, doors between yourself and the outside world. Visualise that your senses become divine and that your whole relationship to the outside world becomes divine. Conclude the meditation.