Kuṇḍalinī Yoga

Kuṇḍalinī Yoga

In the lowest bodily center at the base of the spine, there lies a fundamental power due to the presence of which, all of the living creatures sustain their life* (unable to frame the right sentence). This power is known as the lying coiled Kuṇḍalinī at the Mūlādhāra – the Kuṇḍalinī Shakti. This immense power is in the sleeping coiled state thus it is known as the coiled serpent Shakti. Once the Shakti is awakened, it can lift anyone to the pinnacle of liberation, knowledge and eternal bliss. The process through which this Shakti is awakened is known as Kuṇḍalinī Yoga. There are about 72,000 Nāḍīs (energy channels) in our body and among them Suṣumṇā  is understood as the most important one – it goes through the middle of the spine, connecting the base of the spine with the top of the head - this is the location where the 6 important chakras (energy centers) are located in our body, these are highly sensitive areas. Through the process of Kuṇḍalinī Yoga, the sadaka (the aspirant) awakes the sleeping Kuṇḍalinī and pushes it upwards, piercing through all the 6 chakras and finally uniting with the eternal Siva residing at the top of the head (Sahasrāra chakra) thus giving an experience which is out of this world and this Shakti unveils maya, helping them to witness world without any modifications or the true nature of brahman.