Mantra Yoga

Mantra Yoga

Mantra Yoga refers to the method of reintegration (Yoga) through the reputation of mantras (sacred rhythmic sounds). Mantra Yoga is usually practiced in the form of rhythmic repetition, which is called Japa, of a specific frequency and vibration.

Mantra is defined as “Mananāt trāyatē iti mantrah” which means “By whose manana (constant thinking or that which protect our mind or recollection or continuous repetition) either in prose or one is protected or released from the cycle of birth and death. That is mantra”.

The mantras were composed by a special process by the seers of ancient times who knew the secrets of the power of sounds. The greatest of the mantras is the syllable of AUM, which represents the highest, the most abstract aspect of divinity. The rhythmic repetition of a mantra is known as Japa.

When we focus on the chanting of mantras, or on the affirmation, signals are transmitted to the brain, confirming such things to happen and the mind in turn creates patterns of energy, similar with the pattern of the universe and thus increases the probabilities to attract the desired thing or the event. The Syllables of Mantras, which create a vibration, reveal new vistas of insight and energy within us, helps us to gain access to Cosmic powers.